

This website contains the journal of an October 2004 trip to Kenya, Africa. It catalogues the journey and the experience, punctuated by photography, emotion, and thoughts on the state of the world.

The tour was booked through Cresta (UK) and utilised the superb Rhino Safaris from Nairobi. Unlike other operators we encountered, the Rhino drivers were extremely considerate, environmentally conscious, and passionate about their work, the country, and the balance of nature.

Rather than litted the journal with links, accommodation links for each stage are provided below (where an official accommodation website could not be found, an alternative giving equivalent information is provided):


The journal is written in two parts, one by each author, and is then subdivided into 12 chapters. You can read the journal sequentially or by jumping into any chapter, and you can also choose to read both parts side by side, or one author at a time.

The chapters are interspersed with images, and you can also choose how these are displayed to suit your setup.

Setting Writer and Images

The Writer section in the sidebar allows you to choose from:

  • Both: two column format, with both authors' chapter
  • Marie: one column format, Marie's chapter only
  • Ali: one column format, Ali's chapter only

The Images section in the sidebar allows you to choose from:

  • Zoom (not Internet Explorer): images are shown at reduced size until you hover over them with your mouse. This works only in browsers other than Internet Explorer; in IE, this setting is equivalent to Static (Small).
  • Static (Small): all images do not respond to mouse hover, and are at fixed half size.
  • Static (Large): images expand to fit the column width - at larger resolutions this will result in loss of quality and pixelation.

Moving Through Chapters

You can navigate chapters in two ways: either by using the links in the sidebar, or by scrolling to the bottom of each entry, and choosing the Next and Previous links, which will take you to the respective chapter.


